I Am Not The Same
I uttered these words yesterday while listening to yet another message that felt tailor-made for me. And no, I’m not complaining, I could not be more grateful for a patient and loving God willing to teach me how and when I need it most. I just needed to remind myself of that very thing, I…
I Am Not The Same
I uttered these words yesterday while listening to yet another message that felt tailor-made for me. And no, I’m not complaining, I could not be more grateful for a patient and loving God willing to teach me how and when I need it most. I just needed to remind myself of that very thing, I…
The Unfamiliar Road Back to Me(li)
“Well, write at least two lines,” my beautiful friend Eugenia encouraged me tonight at 7:04 pm as she checked in with me about the goal I set for myself to post a blog today. The truth is, I’ve been wanting to get back here since the post I wrote last year (which happens to be…
I Need Your Help
Today is one of those days where I write out of obedience and need, more than desire. Like the title says, I need your help. I also feel the immense need to preface this whole thing by saying, as vulnerable as people set me out to be, I don’t feel great about sharing this, to…
Are you tired of being misunderstood?
I know I am! Trust me… in my overly articulated life, I find myself being misunderstood OFTEN. It’s been happening to me a lot more lately, and it’s getting to be a lot. I’m often missunderstood when I’m watching or talking about a movie with friends and I see an analogy that just blows my…
Como Me Llegó El Amor Propio
Ojo, esto no es la fórmula mágica para obtener amor propio. Esto es simplemente mi experiencia, y una invitación. Ahora sí, como dicen en inglés “here goes nothing!” Pero la verdad, aquí lo que va es todo. Y es que para mí esto era un sueño mucho más que imposible. Bueno, mejor dicho para la…
A Love Note To Myself
Sound easy right? To write something nice and cute, and hopefully inspiring to myself. But, if you know me, you know that’s not how I roll. My self-love journey has been happening in small increments, never would I dare to do something scary. I mean, isn’t that what we’ve been told? To do go step…
El Amor Y Sus Desamores
Hay cosas que se demoran una vida entera en descubrir. Hay otras que descubrimos fácilmente, pero siguen evolucionando con el paso del tiempo. Este libro es un sueño hecho realidad, y uno de mis mayores tesoros. En él encontrarás mis primeros pasos en este hermoso talento y desbordada pasión por escribir. Estos son como los…
How I decided to go on a date, with myself
After a long hiatus, I knew I needed to get back to my one true passion, writing. That effort would need to take various forms, including connecting with other writers and improving on my craft. That’s why when I saw a meetup for creative writers in Miami and a workshop coming up, I had no…
Doors… Doors everywhere
I have a thing with doors. For one, when God speaks to me about opportunities, He always says “I’m opening a door for you, I’m giving you the key to a new door in your life…” And it’s always had a personal impact on me. Whenever I see them I see the beauty they hold.Old…
Finding Strength in the Power of Worship
In the process of healing my mind, my heart, my everything, I’ve found the power of worship. When I’ve had episodes of terrible anxiety (like tonight) and have turned to worship, I’ve found healing. Spiritual healing alone may not be enough, therapy without divine intervention is worthless… But when the divine and the God-designed meet,…